Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Watch Super Metriod Review today! http://www.therealgamemaster.com

Hi everyone! Just another Update! Yes . . . I knooooowww . . . Rune Factory is STILL in the works . . hee hee . . . and YES . . . My reviews are still in the works as well . . . buuuuuuuttt . . . you can definitely go to Youtube and check out my page . . where I am trying to favorite Game Knights, GotGame, Swag, and Kwig Vids whenever I get a chance . . bear in mind though that sometimes I may be a little biased when it comes to cutesy games that Kwing reviews . . hee hee . . . or games where he talks about me : ) Love you, honey . . . . Anyway . . . yes . . . Super Metroid is up . . . and you can watch the review on http://www.therealgamemaster.com I definitely recommend checking it out! Plus I am attempting to do some voice acting as the character of Metroid at the beginning of Kwing's Review . . . so that should be cool . . . er . . I hope . . hee hee . . . well . . I had fun anyway : )

So . . I have to apologize that I have not been online . . to play Animal Crossing with my friends . . . I was going to say peeps . . but I did not want to go there . . hee hee . . okay . . I guess I just went there . . .

So . . . up for Kwife Reviews is Bubsy Bobcat . . umm . . . after that who knows . . I'm going to take it a little slow . . you know one review at a time . . . I'm not as talented as my hubby . . so just bear with me . . if you will . . . . . . he is the REAL GAME MASTER after all . . . it's a lot for me to live up to . . but thanks everyone to all my fans . . that are already supporting me even though I'm still here putting my first review off . . toooooo scared to get my feet in the water . . . but seriously . . you all have been so encouraging and just great! and by the way . . thanks for being such great fans for KWING! You guys really are the reason that Kwing continues to be encouraged to keep making those reviews . . so thanks . . thanks very much . . . I really think we've got the best fans anyone could ask for . . .

So . . anyway . . as I've been saying . . I've been slacking off with getting myself in gear to put up a review (however you can definitely check me out on facebook, twitter, and youtube . . . look for kwifereviews@gmail.com) And yes . . . eventually I need to come up with a cool logo like kwing's got . . perhaps something pink . . hmmm . . I wonder why Kwing never thought of putting pink in his logo . . hee hee . . . well . . now he can't because I'm doing it first . . er . . probably . . . he he . . .

So what's new with the K's? you ask . . . . . er . . Mr. and Mrs. Kwing . . of whatever we call ourselves these days . . . well even if you didn't ask it . . I'll tell ya . . .

so . . we are both working hard . . . Kwing and I both have a cold . . . we are both trying to decide if we should look for a cheap superhero costume to wear this year to pass out candy or whether we should just come out of denial and face the fact that nobody comes to where we live anyway -think we MAY have had ONE kid -no -that's right -there was no one . . . OKAY fine! so it is just me thinking about a costume . . . hey! I just don't like growing up . . . okay . . so besides that we are just chilling -literally-it's getting cold outside these days . .. . and speaking of that . . we both have colds . . .

. . so here we are . . Kwing and Kwife . . just sniffling away . . both on our respective computers . . . Kwing recording his game footage . . and Kwife . . well Kwife is doing whatever Kwife does . . which at the moment is writing this blog . . . ah .. . as I have just broken the third wall I feel somewhat connected with my fans . .er . . possible fans . . er maybe one fan . . on half of a fan? . . is that possible?

Anyhoo . . . So I've been playing a lot of the Marimasu Demon Blade for the Wii . . and I have to say! wow! . . . it's really cool! . . and that's a lot coming from me . . . because as we all know . . Kwife has a love-hate relationship with her games . . okay . . I must stop myself from refering to myself . .er Kwife . .er myself . . in the third person . . . now you know that Kwing's psychadelicly strange personality . . hee hee . . it's got nothing on the mind that is Kwife's . . hee hee . . Where was I? . . oh yes. . . so Marimasu is awesome! One of the things that I like best about it right off top is that when Kwing and I play the story mode . . and of course . . he is the guy and I play as the girl . . . it's cool because we have totally different paths . . so as a strong willed girl that likes to figure things out by herself . . or sometimes give up because asking for video game help is just so disheartening and just uncool . . okay . . so I get a little stuck up about trying to play the game MY way . . who doesn't . . hee hee . . just kidding . . well . . okay so I'm not . . . ANYWAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY . . . . what I was trying to say before I just so rudely inturrupted myself . . is that I get to play my OWN story mode . . and even if Kwing is way better than me . . . I have to figure it out all on my own . . . sigh . . . .
. . . and I like that . . .

But seriously . . Kwing is very sweet when it comes to gaming . . and he really has helped me to get back into video games . . after my brothers spent their childhood and mine getting me out of them . . you hear that brothers of the world . . . don't play your system 24hours a day . . seven days a week . . or your sister may develope the little eye twitching thing that happens whenever that midi song goes off in her head . . over . . and over . . and over . . .. . .

back to the point . . . Kwing is sweet . . and yes . . he could have actually played on both characters . . but he LET ME play as the girl . . and he doesn't touch my character . . because he knows how sensitive I get . . hee hee . . he's a dear . . . . he only helps me when I ask for it . . and even then . . he says 'are you sure?' . . . because he knows . . that many times I'll say . . 'no! I changed my mind . . I think I can figure it out now' . . hee hee . . see what this guy's got to deal with day and night? . . . no wonder it's hard to get all that work done . . hee hee . . We love eachother very much . . and we love doing reviews together . . and just playing games . . .

one of the things that we had to figure out when we got married was like who could have their game music on . . and who had to shut theirs off . . I mean when you've got one handheld console with it's music going on . . and one console that's plugged into your TV with IT'S music . . well . . then you've got yourself a BIG problem . . if you know what I mean . . hee . . hee . . . well according to Kwing . . . no problem at all . . . but for me . . . yah . . . umm . . I'm not good at hearing two conflicting game music pieces going on and on . . and on . . and clashing and making my ears bleed . . . and etc . .etc . . etc . . . so . . . . . .. one of us puts on headphones . . problem solved . . wow that was easy . . . : )

Well . . I hope everyone's having a good year . . those of you who have gone back to school I say 'good luck to you!' and 'I'm just glad it's you and not me' hee hee . . but seriously . . school can be great when it's taken in the right dosage . . to much fries your brian . . and well . . hmm . . . well . . you could end up like me . . . Kwife is a perfect example of too much school . . hee hee . . let that be a lesson to all of you . . so . . if you're not in school . . good luck to you in life . . and wherever you are . . . I think it's going to be a good year . . Thanksgiving is right around the corner . . and then Halloweeen and then Christmas . . . yep . . it's just going to fly by . . soon . . . but for now . . we have the calm before the storm . . . -all ye who hear . . - brace yourselves . . . the holidays will come . . they cannot be stopped!

so . . . other than that . . there's not much to tell . . I mean . . . Kwing and I were going to review Marvel, Ultimate Alliance 2 . . but it just didn't happen . . I'll let Kwing fill you in on that one . . in his Game Knights Audio Podcast. Kwing and Swag just did their podcast today . . . . so you can check it our right now . . if you like . . . http://www.therealgamemaster.com/radio . . . hope you like it . . I haven't even heard it yet . . but I'm sure it' good . . . . . I'm so glad that they have that radio podcast show together . . they work so well together . . and they really enjoy doing the show . . . so I'm so thankful that Kwing and Swag are good buds! ahhhh friendship . . okay . . I'm getting a liiiiiiittttle sappyy . . .

OH . . I forgot to mention the other things I liked about Marimasu the Demon Blade . . well . . I love the controls . . I am big into button mashing. . . and I have to say . . the controls feel a little like Smash Brothers Brawl . . . meaning you can choose to actually think about what you are pushing on the control pad and attempt to make intelligent combos if you waaaaaaaaaant . . ooooorrr . . you can do what I do . . hee hee . . and just BUTTON MASH! . . yay! . . . any game that I can get away in some way by just button mashing-that is the game for me! So thank you Marimasu, for creating a game where Kwife can feel like she's awesome when all she's doing is pushing random buttons, rappidly and repeatedly! yay . . . . ALSO, I like the awesome backgrounds . . the cool story lines . . . , I like the fact that the girl character is like possessed . . . it's like something creepy that I wouldn't want to happen to myself in real life . . but it just makes me feel less guilty about killing people in the game, you know? . . like aww . . 'I just slashed a bunch of people with my sword' . . . . but I don't have to feel bad about it because I'm possessed and that's what possessed people do! yay! all better now . . very theraputic . . hee hee . . but seriously . . it does make me feel less violent . . because it's like . . oh it's not really ME who's doing the killing . . it's the demon . . . INSIDE me . . yah . . not me . . . oh yah . . I'm pressing the buttons . . but no . . it's got nothing to do with me . . if I was inside the screen . . I would resolve all conflicts peacefully . . over a bowl of ramen . . yes . . that is what would happen . . .

So . . . as we speak . . well as I speak and you listen . . . . . fine! it's as I am writing and you . . whoever you are . . are reading -that is . . if there IS ACTUALLY SOMEONE READING tHIS .. . i hope he he . . . . . . . well for whoever is out there in the great abiss that is the internet . . Kwing is int he process of reviewing Shakan for the Genesis! hope I spelled that right honey! And he's working on some other stuff too . . hold on . . let me ask him . . He's right here next to me . . . - oh . . he says 'that's about it' . . . but as you know we're still working on the Demon Blade . . and Shakan . . in the words of Kwing . . "that's pretty much it"

OH . . I almost forgot to thank all of my fans who strongly urged Kwing to get me a DSI on my Birthday! THANK YOU! I think you have gotten the idea spinning around in that head of his . . and thank you so much for listening to the Kwife/Kwing Radio show! thanks for all your support! You guys are just awesome! Kwing and I have the greatest fans! . . yay . . You guys rock! meh . . . yay . . . lov u guys . . . . .

So . . I should probably just update you on Rune Factory . . even though there's not much to update . . I have just been upgrading Raguna . . and maing money by fishing and upgrading the house . . etc . . etc . . . and just trying to get everything to a point where my honey can just take it to town and beat it already! yah . . wowsers! it is sure a long game! but I've really been helping Kwing with anything he needs with other reviews that have been needing to get done . . but every free couple of hours I get . . I spend playing Rune Factory . .

so . . . I just wante to let you know that . . for all you Rune Factory fans, . . we have not forgotten you! keep the candle buring! . . . hee hee

So . . that's pretty much it . . that's my mess of jumbled things on my mind for the day . . . I'll try to keep you posted as often as possible!

Remember to check out king on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/knightwing01
and me on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kwifereviews

and the fan blog I made for my honey, Kwing! : http://kwingfansite.blogspot.com
. . . . and of course . . Kwife's blog: http://kwife.blogspot.com

. . . AND the REALGAME MASTER.com . . where you can catch all that's new with Kwing . . including the Game Knights radio show AND his new review . . SUPER METROID!


As Always . . God Bless and Happy Gaming


later gamers : )



Visit TheRealGameMaster.com

Kwing's Official Blog Site

Blip TV

Kwing "The real game master"

Known as the best Darn game reviewer on the net. Kwing has made well over 120 video reviews for numerous online gaming companies. Such as Gottgame.com, Game Knights Entertainment and BLP gaming. Kwing's Reviews, are appropriate for all ages!

All Game footage and Music is © by their respected companies and used with expressed permission, for Review purposes. I can get written consent from any developer Ive reviewed for, If it is needed!

Theme song "Each game has a Story" © Kwing Reviews,Kwife & chrishollandmusic.net

All Review video's © Kwing Reviews

Kwing's Screw Attack Blog



Kwing has been game reviewer on the net since 2004, and he has been a video game reviewer on the net since 2007. You can visit Kwing's Website at
Here, you will be connected with all things Kwing, including his latest videos, his "official kwing forum" and of course his radio podcasts and blogs! Kwing is a media Reviewer for GottGame.com where you can watch his videos and listen to the Game Knightz Radio Podcast with Kwing and Swag. Kwing is also currently very busy working on his new business, Kwing Reviews: TheRealGameMaster.com, where there is soon to be Kwing merchandise available and a first season of Kwing's Reviews tentatively set to release for this September (2009). Kwing is also a member of the Renegade Reviewers, who recently released their first DVD last May(2009). Kwing is also currently working on a musical collaboration with Chris Holland and Kwife, which is set to release later in 2009 aswell.
