Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rune Factory, GI Joe Review . . . and other random stuff : )

okay . .. so the rune factory is going . . . well . . it's going . .. that's all I can say . . I'm pretty sure that I've made most of the upgrades on my house already . . . got the biggest lab and biggest kitchen and the seed maker and yogurt maker and all that . . . I've got Raguna . . well Kwing got Raguna up to the highest possible upgrades for armor . . well the highest possible upgrades . . so far . . before beating the third boss . . . so ya . . . .. . Kwing and I have basically been working together on the whole review . . . um . . . . Mist is up to 10 smiles and 6 or 7 hearts . . and I hope we can marry quick or else . . some of the others girls' hearts in the game are climbing up to two or three . . so . . . I hope Mist doesn't get jealous : )

Anyway . . just to let all the fans know, Kwing has been working like a dog . . . well no . . I don't want to say that because he's too cute to be a dog . . so maybe like . . a work horse . . no . . a work puppy . . . yes . . Kwing has been working like a little work puppy. This last couple of weeks Kwing has been working on "The Little King", "GI Joe", "The Conduit", umm " Ghost Busters", and a co-op with Swag . . and I'm sure some other reviews but he and I can't remember . . because there were just too many. I just asked Kwing and he told me that he did 4 reviews last week and 3 this week . . plus . . Kwing and I are still working on "Dawn of the New World" for Wii . . possible as a Kwife exclusive solo Review .. with editing help from Kwing . . of course . . thanks hon . .. but seriously . . I plan to learn all I can about editing and all that jazz so I can do some reviews totally on my own . . . maybe I'll even be in competition with my honey! just kidding . . I am always behind him and I love him very much . . I am so proud of you Kwing!

Anway . . . we are still working on the DVD as well as Tshirts and all that . .. we've got some great T-shirt designs . . . and by Kwife's request . . we want to sell them as cheap as possible! woo hoo! so we'll see what we can do . . . we want to sell something that is going to be a good deal for the customers, you know?

So . . as I was saying . . Kwing has been on his computer for like . . . EVER! hee hee . . no I'm not mad . . I just am very clingy and needy especially with a hubby who's so cute and talented . . . . . . so I've had to occupy my time with . . umm . . taking walks . . going up to check on him . . watching TV . . . usually Disney Channel or Monster Quest . . or . . . whatever is on . . . that's funny or interesting . . and as we all know well . . hardly ever is there anything ever on that's anything good. Then I go to check on him again and make supper or make a hot pocket or browies or something and go up and give them to Kwing . . and He's like "thanks babe" . . and I'm like . . . "can we watch a movie together or go out, honey?" and he's like "sorry babe, I gotta work . . . I've got my DVD coming out and I'm behind" . .. and I''m like . . "oooookaaay" and he's like "can I get a hug" . . and I'm like "of course sweetie" . . and then I go back to well . . just the usual day to day stuff . . . . so yes . . it's hard when you're best friend who also happens to be your hubby . . is buzy all the time . . . however . . . with Kwing playing GI-Joe for the Wii . . . . and with me helping him a little bit as scarlet . . yes! that was me in two play mode! - anway . . .. I've started watching some to the old cartoons . . well . . . of course Batman animated series is one of my go to cartoons when I have time to kill : ) I kid you no, I could watch the entire batman animated series straight through if only life didn't get in the way . . . . . sighhh . . if only life was based around watching cartoon shows . . . instead of doctor's appointments, school and work, yes . . those doctors, teachers and bosses . . THEY should be the ones waiting for me to be done with my cartoon show .. . after all . . . it is more important to ME! hee hee I mean SERIOUSLY . . well . . . I think so . . and besides that . . . Ice Cream should be made one of the food groups . . because REALLY you need to eat things that are good for your happiness-factor just as much for your physical health, don'tcha-think? . . . well . . it's okay if you don't agree with me . . . although everyone will someday when the world is called "Kwife World" Don't underistimate the Kwife! She has played many many many Warcraft/Civilization/Conquer-the-World games! yes . . do not underestimate me! he he . . sorry I got a little carried away . . forgive me . . Kwing and Kwife fans . . who have been loyal evough to read my rantings thus far . . . . . . . ok . .. .
. .. . so stay with me here ... . .

So anyway . . . Kwing is playing Super Star Wars that is coming out on the virtual console . . . and the sound is off because he's recording . . but somehow . . Kwing still remembers the sound . . and he's like making the little TeeDee sound effects and the music . . dadaaadum dadaaadum dadaaaadadiddlumbuuuum . . well . . . he has the nots but I don't have staff paper on this blog to lay it out for you . . hee . . . hee . . . so I actually just asked Kwing just now . . how he can hear the sound if it is off when he's recording . . and he just said "I can just remember the sound . . from when I used to play it" . . . . he said he likes the noises the jawas make when you shoot them, "Tee Deeeeee" hee heee . . Kwing you are soooo mean . . . okay I'm just kidding . . I think the sound that the jawas make when they die is funny too . . .. COME'ON PEOPLE JAWAS AREN'T REAL! and it's okay to laugh at their destruction since they're not real . . I mean they are working for the evil empire anyway . . plus . . . it's not them dying that's funny . . . it's just the sound that's funny . . . ok . . . .. . Whatever . . . I don't care what anyone thinks . . . I think it's funny . . . and so does Kwing . . so everyone will just have to deal with it . . . okaaay?

. . .. . well . . . okay then . . . .

so anyway . . like I was saying (a loooooooooongg time ago in this post) I've been watching some of the old GI Joe . . and Kwing likes Duke and I like Scarlet . . and they like each other . .. so Kwing and I were thinking that we might be Duke and Scarlet for Halloween . . sooooooo if you see a Duke and Scarlet out and about or handing out candy on Halloween . . . . you may have just discovered the KWIFE and KWING awesome REVIEW TEAM . . . . . . . . . then again . . . . maybe it will just be some other couple who likes Duke and scarlet . . . . . . hmm . . . you never know . . . .

Speaking of Halloween . . . I remember this one person with an awesom Vulcan girl costume . . don't know if I spelled that right but like a Vulcan from Star Trek . . . with the pointy ears and awesome eyebrows and she even had the little uniform and badge . . she was like in her thirties or forties . . passing out candy . . . but let me tell you . . that was an awesome costume . . . I'd really like to get an awesome costume like that one day . . so I could just be awesome every year when I was handing out candy or going to a Halloween party with my future kids and grandkids . . hee hee : ) Ahhhhh . . . all those big plans I have for myself . . . hee hee . . well maybe they're not big career plans . . . but come'on awesome fun time is important too . . . .
I mean what if it did turn out to be a career . . too you know . . like Duke and Scarlet go to birthday parties and shake hands with kids for like 50 bucks . . you never know : ) Great THINGS . . . WE are discussing great things right now . . . hee hee

So anyway . . . . . I'm just here trying to find something to do while Kwing works his life away into the dust . . . hee hee . . . and I guess I did find something to do . . . talked to all of you . . . reading this post . . right now . .. hee hee . . .

Well Everyone . . thanks for listening to Kwife's Blog . . . God Bless You All . . . keep on Merrily Gaming along your way . .. and I will talk to all of you in my next co-op review with KWing . . . or . . . maybe even in a solo review with "Dawn of Discovery" or "Bubsy Bobcat"

Remember to see what Kwing is up to on . . . where you can check out his latest reviews . . . and also check out the latest game knights podcast . . . ect . . . . ect . . . . . . and also check out kwing on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace . . . and on ScrewAttack Updates as well . . . . .

ALSO . . check out the fan site I am trying to make for my honey, Kwing! You can find it at just doing my part for my honey . . you know . . .

Well take care, everyone . . . Kwing-I love you very very much and I am soooo proud of you . . .
Thanks for visiting the Kwife Blog Site Everyone! . . . .

-See Ya : )


Kwing's Official Blog Site

Blip TV

Kwing "The real game master"

Known as the best Darn game reviewer on the net. Kwing has made well over 120 video reviews for numerous online gaming companies. Such as, Game Knights Entertainment and BLP gaming. Kwing's Reviews, are appropriate for all ages!

All Game footage and Music is © by their respected companies and used with expressed permission, for Review purposes. I can get written consent from any developer Ive reviewed for, If it is needed!

Theme song "Each game has a Story" © Kwing Reviews,Kwife &

All Review video's © Kwing Reviews

Kwing's Screw Attack Blog


Kwing has been game reviewer on the net since 2004, and he has been a video game reviewer on the net since 2007. You can visit Kwing's Website at
Here, you will be connected with all things Kwing, including his latest videos, his "official kwing forum" and of course his radio podcasts and blogs! Kwing is a media Reviewer for where you can watch his videos and listen to the Game Knightz Radio Podcast with Kwing and Swag. Kwing is also currently very busy working on his new business, Kwing Reviews:, where there is soon to be Kwing merchandise available and a first season of Kwing's Reviews tentatively set to release for this September (2009). Kwing is also a member of the Renegade Reviewers, who recently released their first DVD last May(2009). Kwing is also currently working on a musical collaboration with Chris Holland and Kwife, which is set to release later in 2009 aswell.